Environment and humans are co extensive components which survive on each other. Commercialised mindset of humanity has lead environment to reach to an alarming stage , to combat with a revised and stringent form of legislation is needed. Ecocide as a concept has developed and proved to be a combating measure in many countries which has effectively adopted and enforced it in domestic laws. Ecocide generally means killing of the environment. The jurisprudence behind the ecocide laws are recognising the rights of the nature and giving it the personhood which would bring the existence of nature on the same footing as that of humans. In India , although a no. of legislation has been enacted and judiciary had also developed right of environment upto a satisfactory level but still what is lacking is the deterrent effect which a stringent law could serve. The incorporation of ecocide laws in Indian legislature would serve the purpose and a new dimension of environmental legislation with more effective implementation would arise.